These are additional notes needed to run CD Cache. To enjoy my program better, please READ THIS FIRST. Armed with this document and Cache’s online help, you should have no problems.
Button Functions:
The [Program] button
A simple mouse click on this button does nothing. Clicking the mouse while holding down the [Command] key disables or enables the “Musical Notes” button.
The "Musical Notes" button
This button plays a short piece of a song I wrote. Clicking the mouse while holding down the [option] key allows you to load an AIFF musical file to listen to while you work. Clicking the mouse while holding down the [Command] key stops the AIFF file from playing.
The [Index] button
Takes you to the next page of the "stack", the Index page.
Menu Functions:
CD Cache
Cache Help - Brings up the online “Help”.
Save Me - Saves a copy of “CD Cache”.
Balloon Help - Activates CD Cache's built in balloon help. Moving the mouse over any button will bring up a description of that button's function.
Quit - Quits “HyperCard” without doing a “Compact Stack” command.
Opps! - Undo.
Erase- Cuts the selected text.*
Duplicate- Copies the selected text. *
Glue- Pastes TEXT ONLY after the cursor.*
* These functions are only active when entering text into a field.
Entering Text:
On any card just pick "New Card" from the pop-up menu button, and either place the mouse in the field where you want to begin typing and click it or just press the [tab] key.